
No More Debates!

Harris put Trump on the defense. A place Trump does not like to be, so he said he will not debate again. Another sign of his childishness "I'll take my marbels home and won't play with you again." The people suffer, they will not here more information of what either candidate will do if in office. I consider it cowardnice that Trump dropped out of the debates. I suppose he knows everytime he opens his mouth he creates controversy. He will get his media coverage through his appearences and speaches, unchecked. Will we get an October surprise this year? Who knows, but I am sure we will be entertained. The capitalists will determine what happens in our economy, not the president. Harris is on the rise. A good sign for anti-Trumpers, but the race is so close anything may happen. Either way history will be made. We will either have the first women president or the first felon president. Enjoy!

Songs of the Past

Nat King Cole - Stardust - 1957


It was halarious. As I switched between MSNBC and FOX both sides were biased to their side. MSNBC was saying Trump lied and Fox was saying Harris lied. Which tells me both were lying. I have never seen Harris in a debate before and Trump was his usual self proving he was lying. We have to pick from these two for president of the United States? Sad. On theoretical reasons I will be voting for Harris, but she is far from a top shelf candidate. Trump was on FOX after the debate and he is on FOX this mourning. He is spewing Harris is a liar. So is every other Republican. Like they studied the same script. As for the debate itself; I found Trump to be his usual bullshit self and Harris less than a polished polotician. Don't forget Trump is a convicted felon and if he becomes president he can escape all criminal charges. Trunp is an old man and this is his last harrah. Lets send him packing to be a footnote in history.

Songs of the Past



I must tell you, I hate guns. I don't own a gun. I have never owned a gun.I have never shot a gum. I believe if guns were outlawed we would not have all these killings. Is it worth a 250 year old Constitutional right to accept all these killings? People have all sorts of Constitutional laws they would rewrite, but don't touch our guns. Lets kill the Electoral College, but leave our guns alone. At least we could limit certain guns. We used to have an AWB ban, but Republicans told us the people did not want that ban. Again, cries for gun control. As usual that will go nowhere. 4 dead in Ohio was enough to help get a president to resign. We need a Constitutional rewrite and the first of many things to go should be the 2nd amendment. My opinion. Yours.

For Trump Haters

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Robert Frost - Fire and Ice

Some say the world will end in fire, Some say in ice. From what I’ve tasted of desire I hold with those who favor fire. But if it had to perish twice, I think I know enough of hate To say that for destruction ice Is also great And would suffice.