Who Will Run For President?

As I wrote before, my choice for the Democratic nominee for president in 2024 is Mrs. Obama. Since there is no chance she will run, I am left with inferior choices. Of course Democrats need to win, no matter who will be the nominee. There are many people (who we do not know) who would make a great president, but because of our corrupt system would never run. To bad, we are waisting such good talent. We talk about great presidents like Washington, Lincoln, FDR, etc.....It will take another great president to pull us out of our financial and cultural mess. That person exsist somewhere in our country, but not in our political parties. Does the cream rise to the top? Not in our political parties. No wonder we are left with crooks like Trump. My expectations for the future of America, are low. That does not mean America will be destroyed. It does mean decades of leaderless government and getting nothing done. I see nothing in the younger political generation that gives me any hope. America will be OK just a mess for a long time to come.


  1. Unfortunately there is not another Reagan in the wings so we must muddle through with kamala. Trump will not win because he has destroyed his chance by opening his mouth and choosing his likeness as VP.

    1. Thanks for stopping by Skudrunner.
      Unfortunately, I do not hold the same opinion of Reagan as you do, but it would be nice if Reagan was running instead of Trump.
      In 2016 Trump opened his mouth and proved who and what he was, he still won. I find Trump to be the most vile politician I have seen in my 70 years.
      You are welcome to comment here.

  2. Sam, that first comment was me, Shaw Kenawe. I don’t know why my name didn’t show up.

    1. Nowhere in that quote by President Biden does he call her the "Border Czar." So you're wrong.

      "Not long after taking office in 2021, President Joe Biden appointed Harris to head up the “Root Causes Strategy,” an effort to “improve security, governance, human rights, and economic conditions” in Central American countries. The strategy included a number of actions designed to “address the root causes of migration” from El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras, specifically. The synopsis released by the White House said that the strategy would focus on tackling economic insecurity and inequality, confronting corruption, and reducing violence, among other things.

      Biden did not put Harris in charge of issues at the border. (Another Trump ad claims that “Biden made Kamala Harris border czar to fix immigration.”)

  3. Sam... Mondale flat out called Reagan a liar as it related to deficits and the economy. David Stockman, Reagan's former budget director, says they knew what they were telling people all along was a lie. Thank goodness Clinton was elected, upped taxes and balanced the budget. Or Bush two would have completely bankrupted us, instead of just driving the car into a ditch.

    1. Don't forget Bush 1 called Reagan's plan Voodoo economics.


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