
It was halarious. As I switched between MSNBC and FOX both sides were biased to their side. MSNBC was saying Trump lied and Fox was saying Harris lied. Which tells me both were lying. I have never seen Harris in a debate before and Trump was his usual self proving he was lying. We have to pick from these two for president of the United States? Sad. On theoretical reasons I will be voting for Harris, but she is far from a top shelf candidate. Trump was on FOX after the debate and he is on FOX this mourning. He is spewing Harris is a liar. So is every other Republican. Like they studied the same script. As for the debate itself; I found Trump to be his usual bullshit self and Harris less than a polished polotician. Don't forget Trump is a convicted felon and if he becomes president he can escape all criminal charges. Trunp is an old man and this is his last harrah. Lets send him packing to be a footnote in history.


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