No More Debates!

Harris put Trump on the defense. A place Trump does not like to be, so he said he will not debate again. Another sign of his childishness "I'll take my marbels home and won't play with you again." The people suffer, they will not here more information of what either candidate will do if in office. I consider it cowardnice that Trump dropped out of the debates. I suppose he knows everytime he opens his mouth he creates controversy. He will get his media coverage through his appearences and speaches, unchecked. Will we get an October surprise this year? Who knows, but I am sure we will be entertained. The capitalists will determine what happens in our economy, not the president. Harris is on the rise. A good sign for anti-Trumpers, but the race is so close anything may happen. Either way history will be made. We will either have the first women president or the first felon president. Enjoy!


  1. Trump did lose the debate. He lost it because he cannot get his ego out of the way. Even I could have buried Harris with her lies and platitudes had I been on stage with her. Instead Trump reacts to personnel insults instead of laying out policies and contrasting that with Harris' policies or lack thereof. We have seen how Trump governed and we have seen how Biden/Harris governed. The nation did far better in nearly every regard under Trump. I dislike him greatly, but this is about what is best for the nation, so I will vote for the jerk. That said, I have a sneaky suspicion that Harris will win by hook or by crook. I cannot believe we as a nation are voting for our own demise.


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